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About us

Company | Team | Internationality | Clients


For 25 years, DFIC - Dr. Fromme International Consulting has proven itself as a management consulting and advisory company with a focus on internationalisation and financing consulting in the energy and climate sectors. The focus is on advising and accompanying companies to emerging and developing countries - especially to Africa. We assist our customers from the public and private sectors to efficiently, effectively and quickly reach their goals. 

Concept developer, change agent, workbench, partner for market development - we adapt ourselves to your very special situation and needs. Customer orientation, is our credo: therefore we work in partnership with our clients. Our expertise is a combination of specific expertise, methodology and know-how.  Our clients benefit from qualified, flexible and experienced DFIC advisors and their extensive and constantly updated knowledge of financing offers, especially from the public sector, energy industry conditions, subsidies or country risks.

We place concrete ideas and actions to achieve your goals in the context of your needs in such a way that a knowledge transfer takes place that gives you sustainable competitive advantages.


The core team of DFIC has extensive experience and broad expertise in the fields of energy, international market and project development, consulting of municipalities, technical cooperation as well as acquisition of funds.

Miriam Herschbach

Miriam Herschbach


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Our team of consultants is complemented by freelancers - as specialists - on a project-specific basis. In addition, DFIC cooperates on a selective and task-specific basis with experienced service partners, such as universities, from our broad national and international network.

Team work – DFIC works as your partner
Team work – DFIC works as your partner



Languages are a basic requirement; our staff speaks English, German, French and Spanish. More than languages, intercultural competence play an important role in the development of business relations with foreign markets. Here we support you - both preparatory and on site.

Regional focus

Our consulting for cross border development has a special focus in the following countries and regions:

  • Germany / Europe
  • Southern Africa
  • Maghreb-Region
  • West Africa
  • Latin America

We are particularly experienced in advising foreign companies on accessing the German market.

Wir sind international aktiv
We are activ internationally

Clients public organisations

 Logos und Embleme DFIC Kunden öffentliche Organisationen


Clients Companies

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