Development of ESCO services for a German utility company
A German utility for approx. 350,000 inhabitants.
Energy suppliers increasingly involve in alternative business options such as energy services due to a rising pressure on margins induced by the liberalisation of energy markets. The strategic positioning as well as the establishment of an energy service business line have to be developed systematically.
Main objective of the project is to successfully introduce heat supply services in selected market segments. To this end, the services segment must be carefully developed from scratch: both, strategically as well as operationally and newly hired employees must be trained, so as to use products economically.
The project generated results and benefits for the client in the following areas:
- Elaboration of an energy services strategy in line with the corporate strategy
- Development of a product portfolio for energy services, in particular with regard to differing technologies
- Development of a calculation model for commercial contract offers
- Development of a standard energy services contract
- Elaboration of a marketing and sales concept taking into account the use of possible subsidies
- Training of employees (on the job, in seminars) in relation to approaching sales and newly developed instruments.