Financing platform for renewable energy projects in southern Africa
Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Despite numerous funding programmes and financing options, even commercial renewable energy projects in emerging and developing countries often do not find suitable funding or the fundraising process is lengthy. At the same time, donor projects and financing institutions find it difficult to find suitable projects to channel their funds into. As a result, attractive potential for the use of renewable energies remains unutilised. The "Matching Energy Projects and Finance" (MEPAF) project has therefore developed a digital platform that aims to bring together supply and demand in the field of energy financing.
The MEPAF platform is a digital offering designed to bring together mature energy projects with attractive financing solutions and funding instruments.
Coming Soon: MEPAF Financing Platform
This is how it works: Our project presentation

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Customised Advice
We are also happy to support you in your search for customised financing solutions for your renewable energy and energy efficiency projects worldwide.
Of course, we are also available to you personally - please get in touch with our contact person for financing:
Dr. Jörg-W. Fromme