Verbesserungen bei Förderprogramm “Beratungsgutscheine Afrika”
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Bewerbungen RES-Programm
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Online-Sprechstunden der Exportinitiative Energie 2024
The information on this event is only in German available. Lesen Sie den Artikel hier.
Energy and Heat supply concept Selm
Climate protection is being backed up by concrete climate protection targets in more and more municipalities. In the case of new housing developments, the planning process offers an excellent opportunity to influence the energy supply and the contribution to climate protection goals.
Against this background, the municipality of Selm commissioned the development of an energy concept for a new housing area with 464 residential units in 138 buildings.
A sustainable energy supply should, if possible, make a contribution to achieving the climate protection goals on the one hand and be economical on the other. For this purpose, centralised supply options (with local heating networks) were to be investigated for the municipality of Selm.
Pilot project: electricity and heat from sunflower husks!
DFIC supports the South African investment company RussellStone Group on its way to a reliable and green power supply.
On the one hand, the public power supply in South Africa is characterized by a high instability, on the other hand, further rapid price increases are expected in the coming years. For this reason, the Grainvest sunflower oil plant in Free State has taken up the challenge of overcoming this hurdle with the help of innovative energy supply concepts.
Read more: Pilot project: electricity and heat from sunflower husks!
Finanzierungsberatung im Rahmen der Exportinitiative Energie-Veranstaltungen
The information on this event is only in German available. Lesen Sie den Artikel hier.
Read more: Finanzierungsberatung im Rahmen der Exportinitiative Energie-Veranstaltungen